Bersie And Morbus Of Iff
<rillian> sbp: what does your nick stand for again?
<Morbus> stupid berry picker
<rillian> is there a story behind that, then?
<Morbus> heh. you should tell him the story.
<sbp> oh, dear... do I have to go into the story?
<Morbus> well, he wants to know.
<sbp> Once upon a distant time, there was a lonely berry, sitting on the tree, where the dew and the thunderbugs lay
* Morbus flutters like a butterfly.
<sbp> In this evesque plain of melodrama and wonderment, there was a stupid whittler named Bersie
* Morbus whistles a happy ditty.
<sbp> Bersie was quite an odd little character, saddended by the loss of her friend Morbus, who had sailed off to fight the Igor true, and open up the new jam of jar for the noble Princess
<sbp> So, to ease her pain, she decided to go out and trim the hedges
<sbp> anyway, she got seduced by someone... er, and then there was a bit of the story that I can't repeat for younger viewers...
* Morbus stealthily climbs the walls of the Castle Igor
* Morbus covers his ears and blushes.
<sbp> er... where do we pick it up again. Ah yes. Bersie stripped off her pan... oh no hang on, I need to skip a bit more
* Morbus taps impatiently.
<sbp> Bersie was quite happy after her encounters with the randy froglet, Bernard, but got chronic stupidity disorder
* Morbus drools.
<sbp> So she took up berry picking in the evesque valley, and lived happily ever after
* Morbus reaches the top of the Castle Igor.
<sbp> Which is why I got my nickname; or rather, that's what it stands for. Bet you wish you hadn't asked now, eh?
* Morbus slews the lazy Igor with a the lid of the newly opened Jam.
* Morbus slurps lazily and falls asleep happily ever after.
<sbp> Jam made with the most delectable Fefferberries you ever tasted!
<Morbus> of course, being quite intoxicating.
<sbp> well, I know you like to add Gin... I keep telling you it's not good for you
<rillian> sbp: thanks. now I know
- #swhack
Sean B. Palmer