Eep3 Alpha: CWM Clone and SW API
How To Get Eep3
What is it? What does it do?
Eep3 is a general Semantic Web API written in Python, with various features:-
- A basic RDF API including various stores, a query engine, and an
NTuples/NTriples parser.
- A CWMclone capable of running builtins (which can return lists!) in
filter/apply/think modes.
- New distributions of n3s
(the Notation3 preprocessor) and (an NTriples normalizer).
- Chumpette: an IRC bot capable of maintaining a weblog using RDF input
from IRC.
- A Notation3 parser - this is the only "external" package, since I just
modified DanC's Yapps grammar for N3 (there were quite a few bugs in the
original, plus this new version is no longer dependent on CWM).
- An rdfdiff program (WIP).
Sean B. Palmer