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RDF Lint - Tools For The Semantic Web

These are basically a set of Notation3 rules files that come to a load of deductions based upon the data in some RDF files, and a filter file that can then find inconsistencies.

This is the main rules file, with rules about RDF Schema, and about DAML, made by merging drules.n3 and srules.n3, which can still be used separately
Usage: python cwm.py in.n3 rules.n3 --think
Alternatively: python cwm.py in.n3 --think --apply=rules.n3 - this is less verbose
The filter to filter out inconsistencies in schemata
Usage: python cwm.py in.n3 rules.n3 -think -filter=sparser.n3

Old Stuff

A simple rules file for making deductions about DAML instances
A simple rules file for making deductions about RDF Schema instances
A simple Prolog implementation of srules-lite

To run this stuff, at the moment you'll need the obligatory python and CWM stuff.

Sean B. Palmer